Dr. Ellen Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery / Plastic Surgeon in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Our team members take great pride in their sustaining roles. The team has actually been handpicked based upon their professionalism, level of compassion, overall intelligence and expertise of our industry. Beginning employment, they are trained specific to their position and acclimated to our technique culture and expert expectations. They sign confidentiality contracts and comprehend HIPAA compliance and patient privacy laws. Each team member goes out of their method to provide patients the time and personal attention they deserve. We still answer our phones without rerouting callers into voicemail, return calls immediately and greet our patients with a caring smile and personal worry at each visit. Our patients always feel welcome-- and they are. So that you are extra familiar with our personnel, we have actually included photographs and a brief description of their task functions. Dr. Ellen Janetzke is among minority female surgeons who specializes in breast augmentation, breast reduction and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Janetzke studied as an undergrad at the University of Michigan and graduated with her medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1994. She has greater than 14 years of experience as a plastic surgeon and her ability to recognize, anticipate and fulfill patient expectations, honestly and realistically, has actually acquired her a reputation as both a gifted surgeon and a caring doctor. Dr. Janetzke's special approach is imperative to your comfort, understanding, and trust. Plastic surgery should be performed under very close and personal conditions, which is exactly what you will certainly experience from your very first phone call.

60 West Big Beaver Rd Suite 100 Bloomfield Hills MI 48304 United States


Breast Augmentation Breast Lift Breast Reduction Male Breast Reduction
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