Wendell Perry, MD - Affiliates in Plastic Surgery / Plastic Surgeon in Rockville, Maryland

Dr. Wendell C. Perry is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Howard University and his doctor of medicine degree from Howard University. Dr. Perry finished his basic surgery teaching fellowship and residency at Howard University Hospital. After finishing his general surgery training he served as an instructor in the division of surgery. As a participating in basic surgeon his responsibilities consisted of covering basic surgery trauma emergencies at a level I University trauma center, education of medical trainees and residents and covering a general surgery service. Complying with completion of his general surgery training Dr. Perry after that went to the University of Southern California where he did a burn fellowship. His responsibilities consisted of running a burn service, running a burn intensive care unit and acute burn surgery. || 15245 Shady Grove Rd. Suite 155 Rockville MD 20850 United States


Cosmetic Surgery General Reconstruction Plastic Surgery
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